Good morning landlubbers and whoever!
Yesterday was a good day that shifted back and forth. We sailed out from Svenskär kind of early but the wind died almost instantly. We decided to just relax and wait for the wind, and so we did. Me and Laura and the boat Sofia just drifted along for four hours before the wind decided to return. It returned very slowly, and for some time we moved along maybe at a speed of two knots. The sea was soooo calm, and it was quite an experience. During the time we had contact with a family in Björköfjärden south of Sundsvall. They also have a Hallberg Rassy monsun 31, and their own bouy which we could borrow for the night. We got there at 2200 and were welcomed with hamburgers and the opportunity to take a hot shower. It was so nice! We sat up a couple of hours, just enjoying the company and the luxury of a beautiful home.
When we got back with the dinghy we had the problem of the line to the mainsail hitting against the mast, preventing us from sleeping. Laura said she would take care of it, but somehow she lost the line and up into the air it went. We couldn’t reach it and decided to leave it until this morning.
The son of the best family in the world, Nyströms, said at breakfast that it wasn’t hard to fix. Just get a mast-chair and winch a person up there. Said and done, that’s what we did. Carl (the son), built the chair pretty quick and let me winch him up there.
In a couple of minutes the problem was solved, I got a chair if we run into new troubles, and I know how to handle this. I’m glad it happened even though it worried me some during the night.
I hope we can head out soon, because we are running late as always. It’s too hard to leave this beautiful place and family and get out into the rain. It’s just as when I was out riding my bike through Europe. Always a slow starter.
Take care!