

The last two days I’ve been sailing some with unexperienced people. For funs, and for practice. I’m very pleased with the results, and I think the crew has been too. On Friday I had a motley crew on board. One baby, the babies’ parents, and a girl called Emilia. We headed out and tacked back and forth in the river until we took a break at a nice island and ate some cinnamon rolls and drank coffee.
Saturday a childhoodfriend joined me. The weather was lousy all morning, so we dressed as warm as possible, and headed out for a shorter trip. In the end we got quite good feeling and we were out longer than we thought from the start, exploring the river and staying away from areas called ”log ponds” in the charts. My friend Anton later told his parents that I was quite a educational commander, so I’m moving in the right direction.

That’s what life has been all about the last couple of days. Today me and Anton might go for a new trip before lunch, and in the afternoon I will go to Härnösand and write the test for the VHF/SRC-certificate. Fingers crossed!